Support Request: Run external vbs script


I am trying to run a vbs script by the following code

SiteKiosk.ExternalApps.Run("C:/script/script.vbs", true);

But I get error in the log
Script Error: URL: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SiteKiosk/Html/Startpage/start.htm; ErrMsg: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application.\r\n"
Could you help?

Answer: (2)

Re: Run external vbs script 2/1/2017 6:38 PM
Just in case I didn't explain myself clearly.

I am mimicking an example code in other posts:

SiteKiosk.ExternalApps.Run("c:/windows/notepad.exe", false);

It works. But when I replace 'notepad.exe' with a vbs file, it gives me error.
[SiteKiosk] (null): "(null)" at line 8, char 2
"%1 is not a valid Win32 application.\r\n
Re: Run external vbs script 2/2/2017 9:33 PM
This method can't be used to start vbscript. You canadd it as an external script to SiteKIosk then you can call functions in the vbs using SIteKisk Object Model (ScriptDispatch ). How would you normally trigger the script outside of SiteKiosk?
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