Support Request: Kiosk Users accessing Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window.


KIosk Users are able to get the Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window to appear by rapidly clicking the upper and lower/left and right corners of the touch screen monitor. This displays the Admin Login window and gives them access to on screen keyboard displayed on that window. How can we prevent this?

Answer: (3)

Re: Kiosk Users accessing Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window. 9/5/2018 11:20 PM
There is currently not a way to deactivate the close dialog by tapping found corner of the display. It is possible to deactivate the on-screen keyboard feature of the close dialog.
To do this, you will need to customize the corresponding skin file “escapemenu.htm“ you can find at “C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\Skins\default\Systemdialog”.

Search for this line:

<div id="escapeKeyboard" class="escapeKeyboardDiv" onclick="ToggleKeyboard()"></div>

And add a display none:

<div id="escapeKeyboard" style="display: none;" class="escapeKeyboardDiv" onclick="ToggleKeyboard()"></div>
Re: Kiosk Users accessing Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window. 9/6/2018 4:24 PM
I have found that the following configuration change will eliminate the corner clicking ability and the virtual keyboard button that appears on the Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window. This restricts the pop up dialog to keyboard only access which is the desired results.

Update to SiteKiosk Configuration.

1. Open Configuration Editor
2. Under Plus Side Menu. Click On-Screen Keyboard.
3. In right Window Pane. Click Enable On-Screen Keyboard.
4. In right Window Pane. Clikc Advanced.
5. Under General Options. Change the Display size of the Keyboard % of the the original size: (Edit/List Box) setting from 100 to 1.
6. Under On-screen keyboard Zones. Change the ON all other pages the on-screen keyboard will be: (Radio Button) change from Visible to Invisible.

What we need to know now, if we were to deploy this configuration change, would the virtual keyboard appear anywhere or what other considerations should be made, by enabling the SiteKiosk On-Screen Keyboard option.

None of our applications require a keyboard, except a recent change to one of our applications. That application deploys it's own virtual keyboard as part of the web page.

Re: Kiosk Users accessing Service Personnel Admin Login dialog window. 9/11/2018 9:46 PM
If you are referring to what you posted, the impact would be that the on-screen keyboard of SiteKiosk in general would not be visible. It is an untested solution. Keep in mind, even if the close dialog is displayed by either using the key combo or tapping four corner the dialog will only stay visible for a limited amount of time.
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