SiteKiosk Objects graphic

Click an object to receive information about how to use it.

SiteKiosk Objects graphic

    The following graphic shows the default SiteKiosk browser design. Click an object for more information.
URLComboBox: Modify address bar or navigate to an URL. SKAnimateControl: Controls the animation logo. SmoothSlide object: Creates slides. WindowIcon: Change layout or receive the window handle. StaticText: Change layout or adjust the lenght of the text. Title property: Contains the current title. GoBack method: Go to previous page. GoForward method: Go to next page. Stop method: Stop loading. Refresh method: Reload page. GoHome method: Load start page. GoSearch method: Load search page. Print method: Print current page. Email object: Create and send emails. ExternalApps collection: Count or run external applications. SiteCam Object: Control a webcam. Logout method: Reset all settings. Close method: Close SiteKiosk. LocaleManager object: Controls language settings. Keyboard object: Controls the touchscreen keyboard.

    The objects visible in this screenshot are linked to the corresponding help pages.
Applies to
    SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).

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