JobInfo Object

The JobInfo object provides information about a print job.

Members Table

    The following table lists the members provided by the JobInfo object.

    Objects Description
    Printer Parent printer of the job.
    Properties Description
    CopyCount Number of copies to print.
    Datatype Name of the data type used to record the print job.
    Document Name of the print job document.
    DriverName Name of the printer driver that should be used.
    Info Information string.
    IsWaiting Whether the job waits for a command.
    JobId ID of the print job.
    MachineName Name of the machine that created the print job.
    NotifyName Name of the user who should be notified.
    PageCountSum Number of pages required for all copies of the job.
    PagesPrinted Number of pages that have been printed.
    Parameters Print-processor parameters.
    Position Position in the print queue.
    PrinterName Name of the printer for which the job is spooled.
    PrintProcessor Name of the print processor that should be used.
    Priority Job priority.
    Size Job size in bytes.
    StartTime Earliest time at which the job can be printed.
    Status Job status.
    StatusName Description of the print job status.
    Submitted Time when the job was submitted.
    Time Time that has elapsed since the job began printing.
    TotalPages Number of pages required for the job.
    UntilTime Latest time at which the job can be printed.
    UserName Name of the user who owns the print job.
    Methods Description
    Delete Deletes the job.
    Print Prints the job.

    This object is available through the collection Jobs. Use the JobInfo object to receive information about a print job.

    Note that the path of a file using SiteKiosk objects must be allowed in the
    SiteKiosk configuration (Security -> Access -> URL's With Script Permission)
    if it is not a browser skin file.
    The following example shows the ID of the first print job of the first available printer.

    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

Applies to
    SiteKiosk v6.2 (and later versions).

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