SiteKioskBrowserCtrl ActiveX Control

This control displays web pages.

Members Table

    The following table lists the members provided by the SiteKioskBrowserCtrl ActiveX control.

    Events Description
    Resize Fires when the control has been resized.

    This ActiveX control is available in the form of scripts that can be used in combination with SiteKiosk. Use the SiteKioskBrowserCtrl control to display web pages. To initialize the ActiveX control use the OBJECT tag and, in particular, the classID to identify the control.

    Note: The SiteKioskBrowserCtrl control can only be used within a skin context to create the browser part for rendering web pages, not in a normal html page.

    Note: Additionally, this control provides the DWebBrowserEvents2 events.
    The following example creates a SiteKioskBrowserCtrl control.

    <OBJECT ID="SiteKioskBrowserCtrl" width="200" height="200"

Applies to
    SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).

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