SiteKiosk Main Objects and ActiveX Controls

SiteKiosk provides a number of objects and ActiveX controls to manipulate the SiteKiosk application by means of a script.

SiteKiosk Main Objects and ActiveX Controls

    The following table lists the main objects and ActiveX controls provided by SiteKiosk.
    Click here to view a SiteKiosk Objects graphic.

    Main Objects and ActiveX Controls
    Objects Description
    AdminFunctions Object to control window management and to show log messages.
    SiteCafe Main object of the SiteCafe Manager object model.
    SiteKiosk Main object of the SiteKiosk Browser object model.
    SiteKioskConfig Main object of the SiteKiosk Configuration object model.
    SiteKioskWindow Represents a window of the SiteKiosk application.
    ActiveX Controls Description
    SiteCam Control to use a web cam.
    SiteKioskBrowserCtrl SiteKiosk browser control.
    SKAnimateControl Busy animation control.
    SKFileIcon Control to display file icons.
    SKPictureControl Control to display pictures.
    SKProgressBar Gradient progress bar control with blocking option.
    SKResize Resize control to resize SiteKiosk windows.
    StaticText Static text control including a fixed-single line and a text ellipsis.
    TrayIcon Control to display icons of the taskbar notification area.
    URLComboBox URL address ComboBox control.
    WindowIcon Control to display Windows icons in HTML pages.

    Developers should see this C# example for further information about how to access the ISiteKiosk Interface from other programming languages.
    The SiteKiosk objects and ActiveX controls are available in the form scripts that can be used in combination with SiteKiosk. They make it possible to control certain SiteKiosk features and to individualize the SiteKiosk application.

    Before you can use the SiteKiosk objects in a script you need to call the function window.external.InitScriptInterface() to initialize the script interface.
    If you like to use the SiteKiosk Object Model within FRAMES then you have to use window.external.InitScriptInterface(document) instead of window.external.InitScriptInterface().

    Note that the path of a file using SiteKiosk objects must be allowed in the
    SiteKiosk configuration (Security -> Access -> URL's With Script Permission)
    if it is not a browser skin file.
Applies to
    SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).

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